Functions for the pre and post-processing of interferogram arrays.
Created by Andrew Player.
from math import ceil
from typing import Tuple
import numpy as np
import tensorflow
from tensorflow import keras
[docs]def tile(
arr: np.ndarray,
tile_shape: Tuple[int, int],
crop_size: int = 0,
x_offset: int = 0,
y_offset: int = 0,
even_pad: bool = False,
pad_value: float = 0.0,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, int, int]:
Tile a 2-dimensional array into an array of tiles of shape tile_shape.
arr : np.ndarray
The 2-dimensional array that should be tiled.
tile_shape : tuple(int, int)
The desired shape of the tiles: (row length, column length). This
should match the input shape of the model.
crop_size : int, Optional
An extra amount of padding to maintain full array coverage when the model
will crop the tiles later. This amount should be equal to the shape of the
output tiles from the model.
x_offset : int, Optional
Offset the tiling process by this amount in the columns direction.
y_offset : int, Optional
Offset the tiling process by this amount in the row direction.
even_pad : bool, Optional
If True, the array will be padded symmetrically; else, it will be padded
on the end of each dimension.
pad_value : float, Optional
The value to fill the padded areas of the array with.
tiles : np.ndarray
The array of tiles.
num_rows : int
The number of rows of tiles.
num_cols : int
The number of columns of tiles.
cropped = crop_size > 0 and crop_size != tile_shape[0]
rows, cols = len(arr[:, 0]), len(arr[0, :])
if cols % tile_shape[1] != 0 or rows % tile_shape[0] != 0:
if x_offset > 0 or y_offset > 0:
arr_offset = np.zeros((rows + y_offset, cols + x_offset))
arr_offset[0:rows, 0:cols] = arr
arr = arr_offset
arr = _pad(
extra_padding=(crop_size if cropped else 0),
rows, cols = len(arr[:, 0]), len(arr[0, :])
if not cropped:
num_rows = rows // tile_shape[0] - ceil(y_offset / tile_shape[0])
num_cols = cols // tile_shape[1] - ceil(x_offset / tile_shape[1])
num_rows = ceil((rows - tile_shape[0]) / crop_size) # = (h-th)/ch
num_cols = ceil((cols - tile_shape[1]) / crop_size) # = (w-tw)/cw
num_tiles = num_rows * num_cols
tiles = np.zeros((num_tiles, tile_shape[0], tile_shape[1]))
t_row = 0
for i in range(num_rows):
row = i * (crop_size if cropped else tile_shape[0])
for j in range(num_cols):
col = j * (crop_size if cropped else tile_shape[1])
row_start = row + y_offset
col_start = col + x_offset
row_end = row + y_offset + tile_shape[0]
col_end = col + x_offset + tile_shape[1]
tiles[t_row, :, :] = arr[row_start:row_end, col_start:col_end]
t_row += 1
return tiles, num_rows, num_cols
def _pad(
arr: np.ndarray,
tile_shape: Tuple[int, int],
value: float = 0.0,
extra_padding: int = 0,
even_pad: bool = False,
) -> np.ndarray:
Pad an array with a given value so that it can be tiled.
arr : np.ndarray
The array that should be padded.
tile_shape : tuple(int, int)
A tuple representing the shape of the tiles (rows, columns) to pad for.
value : float, Optional
The value that should fill the padded area.
extra_pad : int, Optional
An extra amount of padding to add to each dimension.
even_padding : bool, Optional
If True, the array will be padded symmetrically; else, it will be padded
on the end of each dimension.
arr_padded : np.ndarray
The padded array.
y, x = len(arr[:, 0]), len(arr[0, :])
x_padded = x + (tile_shape[0] - (x % tile_shape[0])) + extra_padding
y_padded = y + (tile_shape[1] - (y % tile_shape[1])) + extra_padding
arr_padded = np.full((y_padded, x_padded), value)
if even_pad:
start_row = ceil((y_padded - y) / 2)
end_row = start_row + y
start_col = ceil((x_padded - x) / 2)
end_col = start_col + x
arr_padded[start_row:end_row, start_col:end_col] = arr
arr_padded[:y, :x] = arr
return arr_padded
[docs]def simulate_unet_cropping(arr: np.ndarray, crop_shape: tuple) -> np.ndarray:
Symmetrically crop the inputed array.
arr : np.ndarray
The 2-dimensional interferogram array to be cropped.
crop_shape : tuple
The length of the rows and columns after being cropped, respectively. If the
crop_shape in a direction does not divide 2, the extra value will be placed on
the 0 side. This should match the models output shape.
cropped_arr : np.ndarray
The cropped interferogram array.
startx = arr.shape[1] // 2 - ceil(crop_shape[1] / 2)
starty = arr.shape[0] // 2 - ceil(crop_shape[0] / 2)
return arr[starty : starty + crop_shape[0], startx : startx + crop_shape[1]]
[docs]def tiles_to_image(
arr: np.ndarray, rows: int, cols: int, original_shape: Tuple[int, int]
) -> np.ndarray:
Stich an array of 2-dimensional tiles into a single 2-dimensional array.
arr : np.ndarray(shape=(rows*cols, tile_size, tile_size))
The array of tiles to be stiched together.
rows : int
The number of tiles that should go in the row direction.
cols : int
The number of tiles that should go in the column direction.
original_shape : Tuple[int, int]
The shape of the interferogram before any processing.
cropped : bool
Set to True if the model has cropping, else leave it as False.
tiling_size : int
If the model was cropped, set this to the original tile size, else
leave this false.
rebuilt_arr : np.ndarray(shape=(rows*tile_size, cols*tile_size))
The stiched 2-dimensional array.
row_tile_size = len(arr[0, :, 0])
col_tile_size = len(arr[0, 0, :])
assert row_tile_size == col_tile_size
tile_size = row_tile_size
rebuilt_arr = np.zeros((rows * tile_size, cols * tile_size))
for i in range(rows):
row = i * tile_size
for j in range(cols):
col = j * tile_size
rebuilt_arr[row : row + tile_size, col : col + tile_size] = arr[
(i * cols) + j
(y, x) = original_shape
x_padded = x + (tile_size - (x % tile_size))
y_padded = y + (tile_size - (y % tile_size))
start_row = ceil((y_padded - y) / 2)
end_row = start_row + y
start_col = ceil((x_padded - x) / 2)
end_col = start_col + x
return rebuilt_arr[start_row:end_row, start_col:end_col]
def _blur2d(arr: np.ndarray):
Apply a 5x5 Gaussian Blur/Smoothing filter with a 2D keras convolution.
arr : np.ndarray(shape=(rows*cols, tile_size, tile_size))
The array containing the image data that should be blurred/smoothed.
convolved_array : np.ndarray(shape=arr.shape)
The array containing the blurred image data.
size = arr.shape[0]
arr = arr.reshape((1, size, size, 1))
tensor = tensorflow.constant(arr, dtype=tensorflow.float32)
kernel_array = np.reshape(
[1, 4, 7, 4, 1],
[4, 16, 26, 16, 4],
[7, 26, 41, 26, 7],
[4, 16, 26, 16, 4],
[1, 4, 7, 4, 1],
/ 273,
(5, 5, 1, 1),
kernel_tensor = tensorflow.constant(kernel_array, dtype=tensorflow.float32)
convolved_tensor = keras.backends.conv2d(
tensor, kernel_tensor, (1, 1, 1, 1), padding="same"
return np.reshape(convolved_tensor.numpy(), (size, size))